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Once again, neighborhood leaders, developers, farmers, and environmental activists will attempt to agree on the fate of Palm Beach County’s Agricultural Reserve. A call for the county to modify building limits in favor of the option to build new neighborhoods and shopping centers, in the vast 21,000 acre farming region of West Delray Beach and […]

According to recent news in the Sun Sentinel, a new apartment complex called Stonybrook might soon replace Delray Plants Inc., a longtime nursery on 31 acres south of Lake Ida Road between Sims Road and Via Flora. The prospective complex will bring 346 apartments to the land. Stonybrook plans call for two- and three-story buildings […]

As the local West Palm Beach real estate market continues to bounce back from the recession, condo prices are growing significantly in the area. According to data from the Realtors Association of the Palm Beaches, June marked the fourth straight month buyers have pushed the median condo price in Palm Beach Gardens and the surrounding […]

If you have relocated, chances are your electric bill is a different price. If it is lower, congratulations, if not, there are a few variables to consider when investigating the sources. A few tweaks to usage time and knowing your habits can decrease your energy bill significantly. Here are some tips on reducing your energy […]

The housing market in Palm Beach is hot, hot, hot, and the short span of time that homes are spending on the market are a clear indicator of this. According to real estate data, 20.4 percent of Palm Beach County homes sold within two weeks of listing on the MLS, making it the fastest pace […]

Buying a home for the first time?, a counseling agency, holds monthly classes about the housing market, the home buying process, and other important information at its offices, 1325 N. CongressAve. The events run from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The cost is $25 per household. The course will cover popular topics like mortgages, property […]